Project Gutenberg A collection of over 40,000 e-books and texts that are available for download or can be read online.
Luminarium This website provides information about the life, works, and analysis of Medieval, Renaissance, 17th century and Restoration authors like Chaucer, Shakespeare, and Milton.
Famous Authors Famous Authors is a biographical database of hundreds of historical and modern authors. Each listing includes a picture of the author and a short summary of their life.
Classic Authors This is an online collection of the works of classic authors such as Jane Austen, Emily Bronte, Geoffrey Chaucer, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Homer, John Milton, Edgar Allen Poe, Henry David Thoreau, and William Wordsworth.
Literary Terms A thorough list of literary terms and their definitions from a faculty member at Brooklyn College.
Poetry Terms An impressive list of poetic terms with examples.
Absolute Shakespeare This website is a complete resource that includes Shakespeare’s plays, sonnets, poems, quotes, biography and even information about the legendary Globe Theatre.