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Sandy Valley Local School District

5362 State Route 183 NE  •  Magnolia, OH 44643 
Phone: 330-866-3339  •  Fax: 330-866-5238

Superintendent Mr. David Fischer  •
Director of Staff Development and Special Programs Mr. Matthew Whitted  •

Director of Special Education Mr. Dave Poteet  •
Treasurer Mrs. Tricia Schreffler  •

District Information and Policies

Sandy Valley Local School District Mission and Vision

Collectively provide our students with a diverse education while inspiring and empowering them to discover and pursue their passion in an ever-changing world.




David Fischer

Congratulations Class of 2024!

Message from the Superintendent


Every year the Sandy Valley Alumni Association accepts nominations for their Distinguished Alumni Award, and the winner is inducted into the SVAA Wall of Fame. This year the honor went to Dr. Carrilyn Stevens Long, Class of 1974. While her curriculum vitae is impressive, I really took to heart what she said at her induction and 50th year graduating class recognition.

Dr. Long reflected on how the education she received at Sandy Valley was one basis for her success. She noted teachers and experiences that she felt propelled her ahead of the competition, and her gratitude to her alma mater was unmistakable.

She also stated her father instilled in her that what he could most give her in life was her name. He instructed her not to carry this name in vain. Wherever she went, whatever she did, that name went with her, and her character and actions were a direct reflection of that name.

If we agreed with Shakespeare’s Juliet, we would say that a name has no real meaning – “That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet.” However, names do have meaning, more so because a story always lies beneath them.

I hope that our graduates will discover a story similar to Dr. Long’s when they hear the name Sandy Valley. I hope the stories and significance behind that name will conjure great memories and lessons learned. Moreover, I hope that they do not carry their Sandy Valley name in vain. I hope they wear it with pride and continue its legacy as something great. Once a Cardinal, always a Cardinal.

I am proud to announce that this year’s graduating class is sending 52 grads to college, 3 will attend a technical institute, 53 grads will start their careers with a career-tech certification, and 1 grad will enter the armed forces. This year’s class earned about $47,000.00 in scholarship money and had an amazing 40 cum laude graduates! They boast the first ever Franklin B. Walter award winner (Jenna Hatalla), plus many other academic and athletic accomplishments. Congratulations, Class of 2024!

Go Cards!

David Fischer
